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Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Beautiful thing that u should hear..


Hari nie terharu giler kau!!!

I was playing with anak-anak today with my brothers and sister too..
Then,i tried to touch Louis...that garang,macho dan suka gigit boy...maaf.He is sooooooooo hyperactive son.I never hold him like i've done to Lisa ..Cuma usap-usap,tu pun dia selalu lari lintang pukang. He ever sit on my hand to eat but thats it.Sometime he wasnt eat but he bite my finger. Is that the way he shows his love to me?? pretty sure. hehe.

 I asked him about that before,why he cant give me the chance??But he never he can. What i know is,he knows me,becoz im the one who always give him drink and food for sure. And since i know him,he always give me a communication signal if he want to say 

"I dont like it or i dont want it!!!!"

Bila aku bagi air,dia minum,pastu bila dia dah taknak,so,dia akan gerakkan kaki,dan kais bedding yang ada kat kaki dia,kalau aku paksa lagi,dia akan kais lagi kuat sampai aku faham.see??
tu je laa..

But today,for the first time since i look after on him,He let me hold him,like a dream come true.."Hes not Lisa,He is Louis,not Lisa...He let me hold him..Aku pegang Louis dalam tangan aku...AHHHHHH!!!!"  T_T terharunya!!

u know what,sebelum aku pegang,aku main-main je..pastu aku pegang,pegang belakang dia sebelum tangkap,kejap-kejap dia nak gigit pastu aku cakap,"sempena hari lahir Rasulullah nie,bagi la aku pegang kau...."
Pastu terus dapat tangkap..Allah haiiii....sukanya!!!! suka....

Nie gambarnya.."Arof,cepat ambik fon,tangkap gambar aku pegang Louis,cepat-cepat!!!"
Punya la excited,nak sejarah nie diingati..T_T
bahagia sangat~

Sampai macam nie kite main Louis..haha..kesian..

like i got a beautiful present during Rasulullah birthday..tetiba insaf..Aku pun tak ada hadiah special untuk Rasulullah...T_T

Aku sangat suka selawat Al fatih nie..semoga dapat gembirakan Rasulullah dengan perkongsian nie...dengar ye kawan-kawan..tenangnya dengar..tenang~

Salam Maulidur Rasul..
Thank you for selongkar my blog and good day!!

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